Cold Calling Telemarketing Pitfalls To Avoid
How your telemarketing delivers results that are “wow” rather than “ow”…
Many businesses suffer an uphill struggle when acquiring clients because the majority of people (and businesses) tend to stick with what they know.
They’ll usually only change providers when:
- Something’s gone wrong with an existing supplier
- You’re able to plant seeds of doubt with the prospect about their current provision
- They’re a start up and don’t already have an incumbent.
Here Are 7 Of The Biggest Pitfalls, So You Can Avoid Making Them Too!
#1 A Weak Proposition
Before you even pick up the phone, have you defined what is it about your offer that’s compelling?
Saying that, for example, you “do company accounts” or “offer corporation tax” simply isn’t enough.
It places you firmly in the ‘me too’, bracket along with every other company in your field.
As well as a way of describing yourselves (in 5 words or less) than illustrates why you’re better than your competitors, you need something called a results statement.
This succinctly illustrates how you’ve made a difference to one or more of your clients e.g. “We’ve just saved a client the same size as your company £173,040.”
The statement needs to be quantifiable, relevant to the prospect, and of course, true!
#2 ‘Woolly’ Prospects
Whilst you may well be able to work with any SME, the reality is that you can’t proactively target (and call!) all of these.
So you need to hone your target.
Ask yourself which prospect you ‘match’ in terms of size, location, culture and needs?
Here are just a few ways to define your prospect:
- Job title
- Decision-maker or influencer
- Company size (number of employees)
- T/O
- Likely barriers and motivators to purchase
- Current supplier.
#3 Believe That You’re ‘Selling’
Once your offer is perfected, results statement honed and prospect identified, it’s time to pick up the phone.
It may seem contradictory, but lose the thought that you’re ‘selling’.
Instead, believe that you’re simply establishing if there’s a fit between what you offer and what the prospect needs.
This one piece of psychology makes a huge difference to the success of your calls.
#4 Waffle
Whilst being friendly, it’s important to cut the waffle and get to the reason for the call.
Introduce yourself and start with your results statement, then ask a related question so that you can quickly get the prospect interacting.
#5 Talk Too Much
The best ‘sales’ people often talk the least.
That’s because they are listening to elicit information that helps them to understand the prospect, identify if they can help and quickly relationship-build.
Aim for the prospect to be speaking at least 60% of the time.
#6 Ride Roughshod Over The Prospect
Whatever action you agree, whether a follow up email, call or meeting, ensure you’ve secured the full agreement of the recipient, including the timescale for action.
If they’re not truly in agreement, they won’t follow through and I guarantee you’ll simply waste your time chasing!
#7 Fail To Follow Up!
Whilst results can certainly be secured incredibly quickly, the reality is that the champions of client acquisition are those who realise that it’s more a marathon than a sprint.
Changing provider can be a big decision and one that might well take sustained marketing effort via telephone, social media, email marketing and other routes over a period of time.
Equip Yourself to Succeed!
Sarah provides practical cold call training. To discuss this, email Sarah or call 0121 363 0077.
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